Integrated pain management

practical pain management
Prolotherapy has existed for centuries however came to the public's attention inside the 1930s after various research articles were published about the use of the procedure on dental patients and ailments of the jaw and connecting tissues. During the last few years, research in the field means for development in its applications and uses. The term now describes non-surgical treatment for chronic pain by stimulating tissue reconstruction processes in your body.

practical pain management
Currently this treatment is used for pain management and healing of musculoskeletal injuries. The process contains injecting small amounts of a dextrose solution coupled with an anesthetic into the affected tissue where it connects to the bone. This solution acts as an irritant which causes inflammation in the area. The soreness causes increased circulation which stimulates the recovery process, essentially, causing the body to heal itself. With respect to the type and severity of the damage and the individual's healing ability; treatments ranges from the few injections entirely as much as ten sessions or even more. This sort of treatment is getting increasingly popular and is even being used by professional athletes who routinely are afflicted by musculoskeletal injuries as a result of advanced level of stress that they place on their bodies.

This sort of treatment therapy is being used to combat chronic pain caused by injuries sustained in motor vehicle collisions, playing sports, and work related accidents and injuries. The therapy is less invasive than surgery and permits the body to utilize its natural systems for healing. A few of the types of injuries that reply to this kind of treatment are; torn ligaments, torn tendons including those found in the rotator cuff, torn cartilage, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, tendonitis, TMJ, and sciatica. This sort of treatment is now also getting used to deal with spider veins, hemorrhoids as well as other vascular abnormalities. It can also be used to treat lumbar pain but works better because of this type of injury when utilized in combination with anything else.

Many chronic pain patients searching for an option to surgery may not understand that proliferative injection therapy could be an option. Although an intensive evaluation with a physician that is specially trained through the AOAPRM is essential to determine if this type of treatment course may be the right choice, those that receive the therapy may possibly avoid invasive procedures that could cause secondary problems which can demand a lengthy recovery period.

The medial side effects after Prolotherapy are usually very minimal. Patients may go through brief quantities of slight soreness at the affected joint but report no major negative effects whatsoever. This type of treatment also offers no harmful drug interactions, however, because the treatment depends on the inflammation mechanism that naturally occur in your body, patients undergoing treatment shouldn't take anti-inflammatory medications including ibuprofen during their treatment course. Aspirin has additionally been shown to decrease or slow up the healing results of this therapy but tend to be used in small doses when it is essential to treat the patient's existing heart problem. Overall, this non-invasive treatment produces hardly any unwanted effects and it is targeting the injured areas leaving other systems in the body untouched.